@extends('layouts.buddy-screens') @section('content')
@if ($message = Session::get('healthInsurance')) @endif
@if(session('success') == "Opps! You do not have access") @elseif(session()->has('success'))
× {{session('success')}}

Dashboard / Insurance /Individual Health Insurance

Family Health Insurance

A family health insurance plan is a kind of medical insurance that covers all your family members in a single health insurance policy. Under this plan, a fixed sum insured is shared by all family members with an assumption that not everyone will get sick at the same time. Most family health insurance plans offer cashless hospitalization facilities, maternity benefits and cover pre & post hospitalization as well.

  • Cashless claim Benefits

  • Tax Benefits under Section 80D

  • Family Protection

  • Coverage for medical treatment expenses


Buy Health Insurance

@if(Auth::user()->role == 'dpuser') @else
{{ $errors->first('query_for') }}